The implementation scheme presents the main flow directions for services. Connections should be understood as logical connections. It should be stressed that individual nodes are connected with the Internet, thus each of the millions of computers connected to the network has access to them. Where requests will be taken from is decided upon by the software in specific nodes, the content of the data location server LOKALIZACJA, as well as the authorization server AUTORYZACJA.
In black in the scheme, we have the public connections, that is services publicly available. Those services will be available via the http protocol. It is possible to distribute public services via the https protocol, although it requires individual nodes to have certificates.
In red the non-public connections are marked, through which services will be provided by the nodes for servers proxy WSP and CSP. Data transmission will be in the encoded mode.
Displayed in violet are the directions of making services available by the servers proxy WSP and CSP. Those services are provided exclusively with the use of encoding.
Presented in green are the logical connections to the authorization server AUTORYZACJA.
Displayed in blue are the encoded connections enabling data modification for the data location server LOKALIZACJA. The data of that server are publicly available both for connections via http and https.
Displayed in yellow are the connection of the server of orders ZLECENIA. That server has substantial authority for data collection from infrastructure nodes.
Displayed in brown are the connections of the server of orders of the geodetic and cartographic documentation centre (ODGIK). That server deals with the contractors for geodetic works.